Dave Cooper
Systemic PsychotherapistHelping you grow into your full potential
Hi, what follows is a little about myself, my background, beliefs and values
My Story
My approach is based upon thirty years of experience and practice. Even though each person, relationship and story is unique there is much more that connects us than separates us.
Whatever crisis or motivation brings you into counselling, the resolution of the issues will always lie in one of the three main areas. The way you relate to people, the way you communicate with people or the way you interpret your experiences with people.
So, whatever the issue, this counselling approach offers methods which produce effective growth. Rather than focusing on the problems, we support you by helping you understand the way these difficulties can actually help you develop as a person.
Dave Cooper is a specialist in addiction counselling and couples counselling and is a qualified and registered Family Therapist with the ACC (Association of Christian Counsellors)
Registration number R000319
My Values & Beliefs
I'm a recovered addict
Because I have lived a recovered lifestyle for the past 35 years, but also because for the 14 years before that I was dependent on alcohol and drugs. I know I can help you to recover. I’ve been on both sides of the fence.
I'm a Christian
Because I have struggled and worked out my beliefs I can help you work out yours. I will never try to impose my views on you but I will use my experience to help you discover what you believe.
I'm not a Doctor
Because I do not come from a medical background I won’t offer you any diagnosis or label. I won’t tell you what to do or what to take. I won’t offer you any medication. I will encourage you to explore your experience and the things that have shaped you.
My Approach is based on understanding not psychology
My approach is known as ‘systemic’. This means that I am not a psychologist or a psychiatrist. I do not have a medical background and so I will not be offering anything similar to CBT or analysis. Rather I will be offering you understanding and support based upon how you are engaging with those around you. How you are understanding your relationships and communication with others.
Although my initial training was systemic family therapy I have also trained in various other connected approaches. Like most counsellors I have continued to develop my practice and understanding. NLP (Neuro-Linguistic programming) was one of the first forays into other approaches. This was because I became fascinated with ‘states’ and the way the brain and the mind relate to one another. I then studied Imago Couples Counselling along with my wife Alesia (pictured with me opposite). We wanted to adopt a particular approach to helping couples and this one connected with my approach perfectly. Finally I have studied IFS (Internal Family Systems) which, as it is systemic in it’s origins fitted perfectly with my background but also added so much to my practice.
I hope to continue to grow and learn from these approaches and maybe others in the future. But I also learn from my clients and the uniqueness that everyone brings to the counselling room.
I recently became a Grandad and now have two amazing granddaughters. Watching these two grow and come through various developmental stages has helped me as a therapist. But I have also grown and developed as I have transitioned into a different season in my life. There is no doubt in my mind that I am a more rounded and balanced individual because of them.
Whatever your stage of life and whatever issues you bring to the counselling room, I want you to know that I will bring all of my experience to bear when working with you on your issues and difficulties. Helping you to use your challenges as the means of growing and developing your self.
Your counselling may be short or long term, depending on the issues involved. Each of your sessions will be purposeful and meaningful. Good counselling involves listening, so I will not be offering quick fix answers but will first take time to really hear what you are saying. I ask questions that help you to explore your experience in a new way. I support you in learning more about yourself.