Building Recovery
Dave Cooper
Free Training
As part of our new Church plant in Orford Warrington we will be offering free training on how to Biblically support those people who come into your Church, Charity or organisation with dependency and addiction issues.
The issue of addiction and dependence has grown worse recently as a result of people being in lock down, and there has never been a better time to offer support to new believers that is based completely on Gods’ word and Jesus teaching.
The training will take place at the Emmaus Church building on Capesthorne Rd Warrington. At 7pm every Wednesday evening for eight weeks starting on the 20th April. The training will include full guidance on the eight video sessions (link below) that the course uses. There will also be a comprehensive package of support for anyone wishing to run the course at their Church.
Take a look at some of the training resources
My approach is based upon thirty years of experience and practice. Even though each person, relationship and story is unique there is much more that connects us than separates us.
What you will get from this course
How to nurture someones growth
Because this approach is Biblically based, you will be following Jesus example. Particularly how he worked with the disciples. You will learn how to encourage people to follow Jesus teaching.
How to stand on Biblical truth
As Neuroscience starts to ‘catch up’ with the Bible, you can be confident in the way you support people in this approach. Using already well tested and trusted methods.
Eight video sessions
All eight sessions of the course have been made available on video. This means that you can feel confident when running your group that the expertise you need has already been provided. This training course will equip you to work with all kinds of addiction and dependency. Following on from the course there will also be ongong training and support following the course.
Whatever crisis or motivation brings people into your Church, the resolution of the issues will always lie in one of the three main areas. The way they relate to people, the way they communicate with people or the way they interpret their experiences with people.
So, whatever the depth of the issue, the Building Recovery training offers methods which produce effective growth. Rather than focusing on the problems, you will learn to support people by helping them understand the way these difficulties can actually help them to develop as a person. By focussing on the solution, not the problem we don’t get caught in the trap of success and failure.
Dave Cooper is a specialist in addiction counselling and couples counselling and is a qualified and registered Family Therapist with the ACC (Association of Christian Counsellors)
Registration number R000319
This approach is based on the Bible, not psychology
This means that I am not a psychologist or a psychiatrist. I do not have a medical background and so I will not be offering anything similar to CBT or analysis. Rather I will be offering you an understanding of the human condition that comes straight from God’s word. It is so important that we learn to encourage people to start looking at things from God’s perspective, not the worlds perspective. By starting our work from the right place we can builld our recovery in the Biblical way. Understanding ourselves as God’s masterpiece.
For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?
Luke 14:28
Covering all four stages of recovery, Preparation, Foundation, Ground floor and first floor, we include all aspects of spiritual growth. Encouraging everyone to ask the three basic questions of cost, location and design.
Although my initial training was systemic family therapy I have also trained in various other connected approaches. Like most counsellors I have continued to develop my practice and understanding. NLP (Neuro-Linguistic programming) was one of the first forays into other approaches. This was because I became fascinated with ‘states’ and the way the brain and the mind relate to one another. I then studied Imago Couples Counselling along with my wife Alesia. Finally I have studied IFS (Internal Family Systems) which, as it is systemic in it’s origins fitted perfectly with my background but also added so much to my practice.
I hope to continue to grow and learn as we develop this approach. The best environment for learning is created when we all comit to learning together. So I also learn from my clients, especially the uniqueness that everyone brings to the idea of personal growth and development.
The course will run on Wednesday evenings for eight weeks from the 20th April. Starting at 7pm, at the Emmaus Church on Capesthrone Rd Warrington WA2 9AP.